Data Protection Product Announcements
Thales ProtectServer2 HSMs Now FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validated
The Thales ProtectServer 2 HSMs are now FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated. Please share this news with your prospects and customers.
We are excited to announce the Thales Luna K7 Cryptographic Module Firmware Versions 7.7.0 and 7.7.1 (used in the Luna Network and Luna PCIe HSMs) are now FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated (NIST Certificate 4090).
It’s with much excitement that we announce SafeNet Data Protection On Demand (DPoD) is now FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified.
SafeNet Luna Backup HSM 7 is now generally available, enabling the secure backup of high value cryptographic key material.
We have now introduced 10G fiber network connectivity for SafeNet Luna Network HSM A790 and S790 models. This new option satisfies organizations standardizing data centers on 10G fiber.
Всероссийский оператор цифровых возможностей МегаФон и ООО «Демос» провели успешное тестирование SIM-карт и AUC с поддержкой алгоритмов на базе российских криптографических стандартов, благодаря которым можно надежно защитить персональные медицинские данные клиентов.
We are pleased to announce that SafeNet Luna HSM 7.4 is now available. This field update for SafeNet Luna Network and PCIe HSM 7 features Functionality Modules (FMs), and also includes support for the Ed25519ph algorithm and partition utilization metrics/counters.
Gemalto is pleased to announce the release of version 2.3.0 of the Luna EFT Payment HSM
As of 30 May, 2019 we are planning to stop sales of SafeNet Authentication Manager for OTP use cases. We will continue to sell SafeNet Authentication Manager with certificate‐based tokens for existing customers. The End‐of‐Sale Schedule is outlined below.
We are excited to announce that as of June 25, 2018, the SafeNet Luna K7 Cryptographic Module used in SafeNet Luna PCIe and SafeNet Luna Network HSMs is now FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated (NIST Certificate #3205). Both the A Series (Password) and S Series (PED) are validated to FIPS 140-2 Level 3.